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Random acts of kindness taken a step further at Schuler School

Posted on November 13, 2014 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Carlie Connolly

Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on Nov. 7, but the students of Schuler School will be taking part in it the whole week, displaying kind acts around the school.

The student wellness team, which was established at the beginning of the school year, attended a leadership conference in Medicine Hat called the HAS conference, which stands for the healthy act of school symposium. There, they had to come up with things they could do as a leadership team for their school to help with healthy eating and being health psychically. Random acts of kindness is something they wanted to do in November, but they thought that instead of participating it on just one day, they would do it the whole week.

All the students are divided up into what’s called gem groups and so they represent different gem groups including topaz, citrane, diamond, lavender, blue zircon and aqua marine.

If the students do a nice act throughout the entire year, they get a gem and get to put it in the vase. After a certain amount, they get a prize for the team. The students made a bulletin board that says ‘shine like a gem,’ and if someone completes a kind act for someone else, they would find out what gem group they were in and put the persons name on the bulletin board.  All of the kind acts will then be added up at the end.

The principal of Schuler School, Jason Duchscherer said that random acts are important for everyone to learn about.

“I think its important for all students to realize that being kind is very important and helping to brighten someone elses day without getting back something in return can make you feel just as good as getting something yourself,” he said.

Some of the acts the students did was a group wrote inspiring messages on the sidewalk with chalk at recess. During lunch, older students helped younger students open containers if they struggled and helped to heat up their lunches, while some helped with schoolwork.

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