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PRSD, County reach deal on Hoping property

Posted on June 21, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Rose Sanchez
Southern Alberta Newspapers
A land transaction that has been in the works for some time, finally found resolution at the June 14 regular Prairie Rose School Division meeting.
In June 2011, officials with the County of Forty Mile asked PRSD administration to transfer land in the Foremost area to the Hoping Community Recreation Association.
“There is a water well that (they are) accessing to provide water to the hall,” explained Ryan Boser, secretary treasurer at the board meeting.
Since 2011, Alberta land Titles has been rejecting the transfer of title.
“As we’ve been working with the County to try and nail down this transfer, it came to light they didn’t need ownership or to transfer the land, they just needed access to the water,” explained Boser.
That created a situation were PRSD officials realized they have 16 acres of land available that could be sold as it isn’t needed by the division any longer. The land was appraised for $42,000. About 10 acres of the land is farmed and another six acres is prairie grassland.
An area landowner has offered to purchase the 16 acres for $30,000.
“We are recommending the sale of this piece of land,” said Boser.
He added the Minister of Education needs to approve the transaction, and then the sale of the land can be finalized. A board motion to proceed is necessary for ministerial action.
Trustees inquired as to whether the Hoping Community Recreation Association will still have access to the water well if the land is sold to the individual.
“Through this process we’ve tried to make sure they will still have access to the water well with the new landowner,” said Boser. However, that will not be a condition of the sale.
The board agreed to sell the parcel of land for the offered price of $30,000.

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