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By Justin Seward
Cypress County council were asked to consider third reading for Bylaw 2017-07 Library Board at the March 7 meeting. Council voted 6-3 in favour of forming their own library board and take over the Irvine and Ralston libraries. Additionally, council passed a motion to start the search for three public members to sit on the board and two councillors. First and second readings of the bylaw were passed at the Feb. 21 meeting. Further discussions at that meeting included administration mentioning of the $71,418, the county already provides to Shortgrass Library System $36, 214 for the municipality’s “membership fee” , while $35, 204 will be built towards the library board if established.
The issue was brought up because Shortgrass Library Systems advised the county they are not wanting to resume as a board representative for the county’s two libraries.
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