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By Jamie Rieger
Water rates- Regional waterline: County of Forty Mile/Village of Foremost
County utilities manager Stewart Payne had a meeting scheduled with Foremost administration for after the Aug. 23 county council meeting where he updated council on the progression of discussions on water rates.
“There are three costs involved here; the cost to take the water from the treatment plant, the cost for the county, and the cost for the village,” said Payne.
“Alberta Environment has said there can be no more than a 10 percent profit,”
Payne pointed out that the Village had offered a rate to the county that would see more than $3.00 per cubic meter, which Payne said is unacceptable.
“The County can not pay a variable rate for water. Understand the three costs and it should be what the cost is to produce that water,” he said, adding that the estimated cost to produce the water is $1.25 per cubic meter, so he would take that figure, plus 10 percent and take it back to the village.
Other, slightly higher figures were also discussed.
Payne said he would propose what was brought to the council meeting and suggested the county and village hold a joint meeting for further discussion.
Water pipeline update
Tendering for the water pipeline from Foremost to Etzikom should be ready for approval by the first county meeting in October.
Land agents were working with landowners earlier this month to work on the Etzikom to Orion segment.
“We need the landowners to sign up, then the documents go to Indian Affairs and submitted to Historical Resources,” said Payne, noting they had not yet heard back from Historical Resources for the Foremost-Etzikom line.
“We can’t start construction until we get approval from them, but I don’t expect any conflict,” said Payne.
Cost-sharing-Foremost Civic Centre project
County council has requested to see a break-down of funding from the Village of Foremost on the upgrade project to the Civic Centre after the Village and Foremost Minor Hockey representatives approached council asking for more financial assistance.
Coun. Chantel Timmons suggested that the motion be tabled until they have a better break-down of costs and funding.
Organizational meeting
County of Forty Mile council will be having their organizational meeting on Oct. 19, three days after the municipal election.
Under the regulations of the Municipal Government Act, organizational meetings must be held no later than the third Monday in October.
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