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Cypress County discusses more preliminary capital projects for 2018

Posted on November 14, 2017 by 40 Mile Commentator

By: Justin Seward


For the second meeting in a row, Cypress County councillors and administration discussed more preliminary approvals for the 2018 capital budget at the Nov . 7 meeting.

Replacing county entrance signs

An inventory of county signs was completed in the summer of 2017 and it was noted that many signs are worn out and in a state of disrepair.
Additionally, the Canadian Badlands signs are made of plywood and appear to be unappealing compared to other neigbouring municipalities.
Council moved to add the replacement, refurbishment and remodeling of the county entrance at an estimated cost of $80,000 to capital budget fund to be funded from the building fund.

Dunmore paved recreational trail expansion

Cypress County has been looking at ways to promote Dunmore and further attract businesses and residents to the hamlet.
Council approved earlier this year to construct a 2.4 metre wide, paved recreational trail in Dunmore that links some of the residential areas in the hamlet to create a community park.
The Dunmore Community Park part has been completed, while the next phase is the expansion of the trail from the park east to connect with residents, schools and businesses on the east side of Eagle Butte Road.
Council approved to add $430,000 for the paved recreational trail in the hamlet from the community park to the Eagle Butte Road Trail with funds coming from the cash in lieu fund.

Bridge repairs

Cypress County had three bridges that were identified for deterioration and on the annual inspection list. An inspection identified that one bridge on the Black and White Trail were deemed the most affected and has a lower rating of the three in the county.
There is a second bridge on the Black and White Trail which will likely be ordered replaced by the provincial government by 2019. One bridge has been confirmed and the other one will be confirmed by the end of the year.
Council moved to put aside $900,000 in this year’s operating budget but made the funding contingent on receiving grants.

Hilda raw water well building

The small 6’x8’ shed south of Hilda has the county’s raw water line which the area uses for an emergency raw water source. The building currently is a confined space that is in poor condition.
The estimated cost to replacing the raw water well building is $45,000.
Council decided to postpone the decision until a later meeting.
Irvine’s Durham Street water and sanitary sewer line replacement

A CCTV inspection revealed there were nine locations of significant cracking throughout the line. One spot was discovered to have a 40% hold back of ponding and solids. The recommendation is to have line replaced.
Council moved to have the project added to the 2018 budget at a cost of $315,711 with funds from the water and sewer fund.

Seven Persons water and sanitary sewer replacement

The line is coming up on 25 years old in the new year and the sewer collection system is considered in satisfactory condition.
Additionally it was identified there were spots in critical condition. The areas of concern are the main connectors and interceptors in the hamlet.
Council moved to add phases 1,2,3, 4 and 5 for water and sanitary sewer upgrades in Seven Persons at an estimated cost of just over $1.7 million in conjunction with the five year road construction plan.

GIS and GPS system replacement

Council moved to replace the systems at a price tag of $135,000 to be funded from the administrative equipment replacement fund.

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