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By Justin Seward
Coun. Lyle Tuchsherer put forward a motion to pass the third reading of Bylaw 2018:01 at Bow Island council’s Feb. 26 meeting. Council approved the motion, which was amended under Section 7.5 to prohibit the recording of a council meeting unless a resolution has been passed prior to the start of the meeting stating otherwise.
“Some of the councillors didn’t feel comfortable being recorded and so that’s why we amended the bylaw,” said Mayor Gordon Reynolds.
“It’s not a total ban or anything like that. If the reporter feels that there is something important, detailed information that they want to be really clear on, that you or your colleagues request that permission and it to be granted by the motion of council.
“The bylaw actually says at the start of the meeting, but we’re somewhat informal. I would entertain a motion at anytime during the meeting.”
The bylaw’s first and second readings were passed at the Feb. 12 meeting.
SMBapps presented to council at the committee of the whole meeting. The application is designed for municipalities to keep in contact with residents. The app is available for any smartphone.
Coun. Terrie Matz moved to include the app in the 2018 budget as a community engagement and information tool. Council approved the decision.
Subdividing airport property into hangar lots
The airport commission requested the town to subdivide the lots into individual properties.
The costs of surveying and subdivision of the property would be shared between all parties including the town based on the frontage of the lots.
Tuchsherer said he was not comfortable with the motion of subdividing the property at the airport without knowing the costs of the project.
Coun. Alan Hyland made the motion to table the issue until next meeting. Council voted in favour.
Easter egg hunt
Council voted to contribute $250 towards the Forty Mile Early Childhood Development Coalition Easter Egg Hunt on March 31 at the town’s Centennial Park.
Council approved for the town to purchase a 2009 772D John Deere grader from the general reserves of $97,500 from Ironedge Equipment Ltd.
Town pulling concerns submitted to AUC
Coun. Lyle Tuchscherer put forth the motion for the town to remove its complaint to the Alberta Utility Commission about the wind towers proximity to the airport.
“The town has withdrawn their concerns that were submitted to the Alberta Utilities Commission about the Renewable Energy System’s proximity to the airport,” said Tuchscherer.
“Whereas the Town of Bow Island registered concerns with the Alberta Utilities Commission regarding the proximity of the proposed Renewable Energy Systems Windfarm to the Bow Island Airport and was granted intervener status at the upcoming hearings on the project.
“Whereas RES removed one wind tower from their plan and relocated three others. Whereas NAV Canada’s information included the proposed wind tower locations would be marked on aviators maps as obstacles to be avoided and that the location did not impede take-offs or landings at the airport. Whereas information shared by the County of Forty Mile that the Medivac Operator, Can-West, does not consider the wind towers to be problematic for flights in and out of the airport.
Be it resolved the Town of Bow Island notifies the Alberta Utilities Commission that it is withdrawing its concerns and will not be making representation to the commission.”
Council passed the motion.
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