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Justin Seward
Town council is preparing to update its Land-use Bylaw to include the proposed Bylaw 2018:05 with Bylaw No. 2003-2007 for cannabis production facilities to set-up in town.
Amendments are necessary to the Class II discretionary within the Industrial District M-2 where cannabis cultivation, production and packaging facilities will be allowed within the Industrial District M-2.
“This is something that we’re advised to do quite a while a go,by a number of sources to get our bylaws ready for the possibility of legalization,” said town Mayor Gordon Reynolds.
“I would have hoped that we did this quite a while ago, but we waited and waited for the federal guidelines and regulations. They’re pretty well in place now. (We are) going to adjust the bylaw in terms of production and processing.”
Council does not have any issues currently on having cannabis producers in the community, they have to go through the federal process with background checks and having their mandatory licenses in place.
“We’re looking at ways of engaging the public,” said Reynolds.
“And checking with other municipalities as far as surveys and things like that. Some municipalities say their getting a bunch of feedback.”
The location of facilities will depend on where the town wants to put them, while this may require reclassification of the land.
It will be all municipal, provincial and federal regulations that will be enforced will all cannabis cultivation, production and packing facilities.
First reading has already been passed and a public hearing will be on April 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers before second and third reading can be passed.
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