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Cypress council amends library bylaw

Posted on May 8, 2018 by 40 Mile Commentator

Justin Seward


Cypress County Coun. Ernest Mudie moved first reading, Coun. Darcy Geigle moved second reading, while Coun. Michelle McKenzie made the motion to have third reading and Coun. Alf Belyea moved for third reading approval of the Library Board Bylaw amendment, with council approving all the motions at its May 1 regular meeting.
The amendment came is to Section 4.3 where it will now read the board shall be composed of five voting members appointed by the resolution of council for a specified period of time. The period will be no more than three years and one non-voting member of staff representing CFB Suffield.
Two members of council, two members of the public will serve in the Irvine Public Library, while there will be one member each for the Graham Public Library and CFB Suffield.

Property tax
Council approved all three readings of the Property Tax Bylaw. The county has prepared and adopted detailed estimates of the municipal revenues and expenditures as required. The estimated municipal operating expenditures and transfers for Cypress County in 2018 are $35,405,168, while the estimated municipal revenue and transfers from all sources other than taxation is at $12,360,954 and $23,204,376 is to be raised by general municipal taxation.

Community Aggregate payment levy
Council also approved a three readings of the Community Aggregate Payment (CAP) levy, which will be implemented on Jan. 1 2019.
Council directed administration to draft a bylaw and bring back to council for ratification on April 4. Under the Municipal Government Act, municipalities can pass the CAP levy that requires operators to report shipments based on tonnage and pay a levy up to the maximum rate of $0.40 per tonne of sand and gravel extracted.

Irvine Ag Complex facility audit
Deputy Reeve Dan Hamilton moved for administration to have a facility audit completed on the Irvine Ag Complex and postpone the requests for proposals for a county recreation and parks master plan, including cemeteries, until the condition and serviceability is known. Council approved.
Mudie put forth the motion to have perpetual care and services for county cemeteries looked into further, which council approved.

Suffield paving change order request
Coun. Alf Belyea moved to direct administration to obtain a change order with Brooks Asphalt and Aggregate to complete additional roadways with hot mix asphalt paving at a cost not to exceed $203,500 with funds coming from the remaining 2017 Capital budget. Council approved.

Suffield sewer service connection

After Mudie’s motion to enforce Bylaw 2016/43 for a resident to connect to the sanitary sewer system and 148- Sixth Street was defeated in a 3-6 vote, council voted on Hamilton’s motion to exempt the resident from additions or replacement of residents, transfer of land and a failure of the current septic field. Council voted 7-2 in favour.

Suffield waste bins
Council voted 4-5 against Belyea’s motion of putting two waste bins in the hamlet due to a high demand.

Purchase of shares in the Medicine Hat Stampede
Vossler put forth the motion to purchase a share in the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede Ltd., for $350.

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