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February 17, 2025 February 17, 2025

Domestic violence on the rise in Redcliff

Posted on March 3, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Philip Buisseret

Commentator/Courier Freelancer

Redcliff RCMP detachment Staff Sgt. Sean Maxwell presented a three month report to Redcliff town council Feb. 23. The report dealt mainly with addressing some key issues facing the town and explaining trends in crime rates specifically within the municipality.
“Domestic violence appears to be an issue, which is seven incidents higher (140 per cent) up over the previous year.
“Domestic violence is a significant concern and we are examining strategies for reducing its incidenceswithin the Town of Redcliff – education, support from our partners (Family Services), and
enforcement” explained Maxwell.
“The incidents are from residents who are actually living in the town.”
Coun. Jim Steinke asked if the spousal abuse included children.
“ It has less to do with children and more to do with spouses” explainedMaxwell.
“We will be increasing training to police members in the detachment so that they will be better able to deal with such situations”.
Property crime is also on the increase with an increase of 11 per cent over last year, thefts from vehicles and break and enter crimes have also increased, there is also a significant increase of 86 per cent in suspicious persons/vehicle/property.
Maxwell stressed” people need to change their habits with respect to thefts, if you are going on vacation do not advertise the fact on social media, and have someone responsible look after your property while you are away.”.
There were two home invasions at the same residence in town, but Maxwell assured town council “the public does not have to worry.”
The local RCMP is planning on hosting an open house where Town Residents will be able to engage with the RCMP Officers to share concerns and issues.
The location of the open house has yet to be determined.
The detachment will also add two new members to replace two outgoing officers.
“One is a paramedic with over 20 years experience who decided on a change,” explained Maxwell.

Agricultural industrial permit

In other business the town received a mor Agricultural Industrial and Commercial Development Permit application (20/19) from Cypress County for a tree farm to be located on the SW quarter of
Section 7 Township 13 Range 6 W4M.\
This site is located in the Council referral area identified
in Policy 119, External Municipal Planning Documents Review Policy.
The proposed development site is located across the South Saskatchewan River, west of the Town of Redcliff and north of the community known locally as Paramatta.
Planning and Engineering has reviewed the proposed development and has identified one concern which is that the developer is proposing a greenhouse in the future and it would not be in the best interests of the town if this greenhouse has grow lights installed as the light would be invasive to many of the residential properties in the Jesmond and Kipling neighbourhoods.
Council voted to direct Administration to send the following Comments to
Cypress County with respect to Development Application 20/19:
a. The Town has no concerns with the current proposed development,
b. The Town may have concerns with a future development applications and
Cypress County should forward these applications to the Town of Redcliff for
review. The Town’s principle concerns would most likely be around the impact of
lighting on Town of Redcliff residents, especially if grow lights are to be installed
in the greenhouse.

Yelo Cabs

Discussion regarding Yelo cabs also took place. At present a Medicine Hat Taxi bylaw does not permit Yelo Cabs from returning passengers from Medicine Hat back to Redcliff after attending appointments etc. creating difficulty for clients and creating hardship for the cab company. After discussions with the City of Medicine Hat, it was indicated that there was an option of offering a “ride share” service as opposed to a taxi service. A “ride share” service has a different definition by the Canada Revenue Agency and is recognised as such in the present city taxi bylaw. When contacted, Wes Skakun License inspector for the City of Medicine Hat stated “rideshare would be possible but we don’t have all the answers yet” When asked if the City would be prepared to re-open the taxi bylaw he stated “ we are working on one”.

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