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By Justin Seward
The City of Medicine Hat rolled out its ‘comprehensive package’ for economic help for citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic last week, a move the Town of Redcliff felt they jumped on earlier than their neighbouring municipality.
“I believe we were ahead of the city with respect to offering the things to our residents we have already offered, we just weren’t as flashy about announcing it I guess,” said Derrin Thibault, the town’s director community and protective services.
It was at town council’s March 23 meeting that there were immediate changes made for the community with the town’s utility penalties being waived for two billing cycles and payments can be deferred, penalties being waived and won’t be applied until Oct. 1 as a per cent tax increase for residents.
“Many adjustments have been made in the work place to accommodate peoples’ working situations,” said Thibault.
Those adjustments include computers set up to work from home, shift adjustments, differently scheduled breaks and lunches, cleaning, sanitizing and physical distancing.
“People resources has been the most difficult part to manage during COVID-19 due to stress, anxiety and the duration that has had to be upheld maintaining the new normal,” said Thibault.
He says internal discussions and work are underway to take advantage of any injections of government funding that may come available.
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