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New agreement brings high school outreach and upgrading under one roof

Posted on June 4, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator

Alberta Newspaper Group

Local learners looking for an alternate way to complete their high school education now have a new opportunity with Coulee Collegiate, a collaborative effort between Prairie Rose School Division (PRSD), Medicine Hat Public School Division (MHPSD) and Medicine Hat College (MHC).
Starting next fall, high school courses will be delivered at Medicine Hat College, bringing two outreach schools – Beyond Walls and Central High – together with academic upgrading under one roof. Not only does this initiative provide efficiencies for its education partners, it offers flexible distance and classroom learning options for outreach students and adult learners.
“The creation and partnership of Coulee Collegiate is fantastic for Prairie Rose and a great opportunity for students,” says Prairie Rose School Division Superintendent Roger Clarke.
“Those who attend will have access to college level resources as they complete their high school diploma with flexible options, such as online or in person learning. Even more importantly, this format introduces students to the postsecondary world and connects them to supports for continued educational success.”
MHC president and CEO Kevin Shufflebotham looks forward to the campus serving as a central hub for high school outreach education and the long-term benefits of integrating youth learners within the college community.
“Medicine Hat College is proud to support this initiative which will help streamline the student experience and provide a smooth transition from high school to a postsecondary environment,” explains Shufflebotham. “Our goal is for students to feel comfortable and well-served on campus, and confident in their pursuit of higher education as a result.”
Coulee Collegiate demonstrates the willingness of educational leaders to work across their respective institutions and find innovative solutions that serve students now and into the future.
“Medicine Hat Public School Division is thrilled with the spirit of cooperation that has existed between the three partner organizations throughout this process. We believe that this new school provides excellent opportunities for high school and college students throughout the region,” says Mark Davidson, superintendent of Medicine Hat Public School Division.
Coulee Collegiate is now accepting applications for the fall semester. PRSD and MHPSD students who are under 20 years of age on Sept. 1 can register for the high school distance outreach program by contacting Coulee Collegiate principal, Tim Bloomfield, at 403.526.4156. MHC students, or adult learners, who are 20 years of age or older can register online at

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