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Schuler School excited to see students walk through the door again

Posted on September 9, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator
Photo submitted by Prairie Rose School Division BACK IN SESSION: Anne Maier’s Grade 3 and 4 class were ecstatic to be back in the classroom last week at Schuler School.

Schuler School staff and teachers were ecstatic to see students come through the doors for the new school year on Aug. 31.
“It was the best day ever,” said Kerry Watson, school principal.
“It was so exciting to see the kids get off the bus and come on in and they’re all ready … I kept saying ‘I know you’re smiling underneath those masks.’ The first day was a little chaotic getting into the school because we had to physically distance outside and we’re sanitizing. But by the next day, it was good.”
This was the first time schools saw kids come through the doors to learn in the classroom again since the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of all schools in mid-March.
“I would probably say all the staff (were) a little anxious about what it all was going to look like,” said Watson.
“We spent a lot of time preparing our rooms and trying to make sure we’re following all the protocols and everything. I think I just kept thinking ‘We just need to get the kids here.’ Once the kids are here, some of the stuff then will make more sense to us, how we’re planning to do certain things. I think once the kids were here, they were so happy to be back and we were so happy have them back.”
While it’s been good to have the kids back in the class, the school was prepared for the ‘new normal.’
“We have signs on our hallways and desks spaced properly. (The) kids wear masks in the common areas, they’re eating in their classrooms,” said Watson.
“Some of things are different but for the most part, I think the kids just kind of slid right back into where they need to be.”
Watson added, “Teachers are in this building because they want to be with kids. It was pretty hard for those three-and-a-half months when we didn’t have our kids in front of us.”
Watson did her first day assembly over Google Meet where she spoke to the students about hand sanitizing and teachers have protocols in their classrooms they are following.
“We want our parents to know that we’re doing our best to keep their kids safe, said Watson.
“We want to be safe too. We all have families.”

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