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County hamlets could see speed limit change

Posted on September 23, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward


Cypress County council approved first reading of a bylaw to reduce the speed limit in hamlets from 50 kilometres per hour down to 40 at their Sept. 15 meeting.
Council had given administration some direction to conduct a survey back in June in the communities to determine the pulse of how people felt about the speed limit.
After the data was presented from the survey on Sept. 1, council then guided administration to bring back a speed bylaw for deliberation.
“How it came to be is there were concerns brought forward to council about concerns with speed in hamlets,” said Tarolyn Aaserud, county chief administrative officer.
“We went out to the public and received 360 responses, which is absolutely awesome. With that, 63 per cent were in favour of reducing it to 40 kilometres an hour.”
Dunmore had 49 per cent of the response rate.
“I think because of the population base there,” said Aaserud.
“I would envision that’s why. It’s a busy community as well.”
Second and third readings will be brought to council on Oct. 6.
The changed speed limit would take effect immediately if the bylaw is passed.
Municipal Stimulus Program
The county has chosen to send in applications for Range Road 11-Schuler and Hilda area- and the replacement of the Irvine sewer lift station as projects that will qualify under the Municipal Stimulus Program.
The program is meant to sustain and create jobs, enhance provincial competitiveness and productivity, allow opportunities for communities to participate in economic growth and see the reduction in red tape to promote job-creating private sector investment
The county has been allocated $990,735 under the program.
Range Road 11 will see pavement rehabilitation.
The Irvine lift station will be rehabilitated and receive new parts.
The projects will commence in 2021.

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