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Submitted by Michelle MacLean
With in-person celebrations not being possible at this time, the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta (CFSEA) Fall 2020 Grant Reception plans looked a little different this year. However, grant presentations still moved forward this earlier this month through the work of the local committee and coordinator for the Rural Community Fund of Forty Mile. These grant presentations represented a total of $19,400 in funding being awarded through the Fall 2020 Smart & Caring Grants. Smart and Caring Grants support our communities across Southeastern Alberta by enhancing belonging of all citizens and strengthening the nonprofit and voluntary sectors. Recipients of these grants included the Village of Foremost Splash Park ($2,400) and the Etzikom Museum & Canadian Historic Windmill Interpretive Centre for additions to the facility that will provide accessibility and technology upgrades ($17,000).
There were also an additional $5,350 in grants awarded through the COVID19 Response Fund for Southeast Alberta . The Village of Foremost received $1,750 for the purchase of four spray pack disinfectant units to use at individual Village facilities to support the ongoing need for safety in the community. The Bow Island Fire Department also received funding of $1,800 to purchase two spray pack disinfectant units to clean equipment, along with additional PPE that will support their volunteer fire-fighters. One additional grant of $1,800 was provided to the Bow Island Municipal/Susan Andersen Library for the purchase of new computer chairs and additional mice and keyboards that will allow for COVID19 protocols to be followed between users in the computer area. The Library will also be recovering some existing furniture, supporting the ongoing need for cleaning of their facilities.
To date, there has now been five rounds of funding through the COVID19 Response Fund for Southeastern Alberta. In total, the County of Forty Mile has received $36,711.50 in COVID19 related funding since spring 2020. These grants would not have been possible without the generous contributions made by community supporters and donors, as well as the Government of Alberta and the Stay-At-Home Gala proceeds.
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