Current Temperature
Dear Editor,
Demonstrating a thoroughness of incompetence that is breathtaking, I believe it is evident the Trudeau Liberals have botched Canada’s vaccine roll out. Consequently, this necessitates the provincial government to adopt a new COVID strategy. Lockdowns and restrictions could never be a solution-just a stopgap. As per David Redman, who draws on years of experience in military and civil emergency planning, consider the following short summary of measures that, until full immunization is achieved for this cohort, will protect our most vulnerable, and subsequently, our health care system.
Quarantine all long-term care/supportive living facilities. Establish a testing/quarantine system for extended rotating shifts of these facility’s workers, with appropriate financial incentivization and remuneration. Encourage the rest of our at-risk population to stay safely in their home and ensure delivery services are available. Arrange for safe living facilities for those who are unable to shelter safely where they reside. At this point all lockdowns and restrictions can end. Promote the fact that worldwide over 95 percent of COVID-19 deaths are those over 65 with multiple comorbidities.
This approach will allow the huge majority of Albertans, who are statistically at zero risk from COVID’s negative outcomes, to resume normal life and start rebuilding the economy. Equally important, our children and youth can stop paying the crushingly high price that has been their burden.
As Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. End the lockdown insanity. Albertans can lead the way with a bold and positive new direction in our response to COVID.
Cathy Riley, Bow Island
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