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By Justin Seward
Bow Island town council voted in favour of hiring Elite Site Services to do the construction of the Second Avenue E project at their May 10 meeting.
The bid of $493,416 includes the replacement of water mains and services, sewer main and services and sidewalk. The town’s public works department will be responsible for the removal of the asphalt and concrete prior to the contractor beginning work.
Between the Elite Site Services bid and the MPE Engineering cost, the project total came to $610,416 for contract costs
The town budgeted $942,000 for the project.
Construction will be ongoing in July and August with more details to follow.
Swimming pool fee
Council voted to set the 2021 pool fee for household rentals at $30 for a half hour and $50 an hour.
The pool will be opening after the May long weekend. Lane swimming, swimming lessons and household rentals will be allowed , while no public swimming is permitted at this time.
Youth employment program
The town will participate in the Youth Employment program, as per council’s vote. There will be the hiring of two employees. The Taber and District Community Adult Learning had asked the town to consider placing two youth for a nine- week work experience. Funding will be in place for two youth being paid $15 an hour for 30-hours a week. This is the first time the town has participated in the program.
Council appointed primary member Bernice DeLeenheer and alternate Mayor Gordon Reynolds to be town representatives on the Southgrow Regional Economic Development Alliance.
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