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Redcliff Minor Hockey, skating club offering try-it sessions

Posted on August 3, 2021 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward

Redcliff Minor Hockey Association has teamed up with the Redcliff Skating Club in hosting the 2021 Learn to Play, Learn to Skate Program in September.

“We’re strictly dealing with the minor hockey side,” said Derek Martin, Redcliff Minor Hockey president.

“But that’s why I felt it was important to team up with the Skating club, so that we’re offering obviously a more diverse option to everybody as well.”

The program is open to all children aged four to nine who are interested in trying or learning about the game of hockey or the skating club in Redcliff.

“I think the goal is always to get more families, more kids involved in the game,” added Martin.

“It’s something I had done previously with other sports because I’ve been in administration with other sports and it really just serves as an ice breaker. And people before didn’t want to pay the full amount for registration and they maybe want to test drive it first and it gives people a chance to give it a try before they go ahead and commit to the season.”

Kids can also try skating lessons with the Skating Club.

“If we can get kids active — keep bodies busy—then the minds are less active to be thinking of  other things,” said Martin, on the importance of  kids doing sports through the pandemic.

Ice times are on Sept. 7, 9, 14 and 16 and are from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at the Rec-Tangle Arena in Redcliff.

Participants must bring skates, helmets, snow pants, gloves or mittens and a hockey stick.

Hockey equipment can be worn but is not mandatory.

Information sessions will be on the second half of those ice times, starting  on Sept. 9 with funding supports/assistance—Kidsport and Jumpstart representatives will be doing a presentation—Sept. 14 will have information on proper equipment fitting and Sept. 16 will have a Q&A with minor hockey and the skating club.

“There is going to be (a) lot of information and advice, and obviously for the sake of the kids—just a chance to come out and try it without having a bigger commitment,” said Martin.

“If they like in the end, well then great, and we can draw more kids in. And if they try and don’t like it, well so be it, at least they’ve given it a try.”

Admission is free for all participants.

Pre-registration for either RMHA or the skating club has to be done through contacting Martin at or (403) 502-6225.

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