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By Justin Seward
Josh and Jennifer Beck are running Circle Two Farms in Hilda and are now offering mobile seed cleaning to producers in the southeast region.
“We saw an opportunity within this area to bring in another mobile seed cleaner to help service the farmers in Cypress County and the County of Forty Mile, up in Acadia Valley, Bindloss,” said Josh.
“The seed plant in Medicine Hat does a good job, but there’s a lot of costs associated with hauling to Medicine Hat and hauling your product back out. With a mobile seed cleaner, we can come right to your yard and there’s not freight expense, you’re not running your truck up and down the road and we can clean all of the commodities they want to.”
Josh said the service just started for them as the they just got the cleaner three weeks ago.
“I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while,” he said.
“We were thinking about building one on the farm—a standalone plant—but this just makes more sense to be able to go to the farmer and contain everything on the farm.”
The Beck’s have begun the service my cleaning their own grain and the hope right now is to expand their own customer base.
“We’re getting the word out and just waiting for the phone calls to come,” he said.
He said they would ideally like to clean from October to March because they get busy themselves with farming and calving.
This is the only mobile cleaning service in the immediate local area.
The goal is to put 50,000 bushels through the machine this year.
More information can be found on the Circle Two Farms Facebook page or by calling Beck at (403) 548-9809.
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