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County to cost share Irvine Library internet expenses

Posted on December 14, 2021 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward


Cypress County discussed a request brought forth by Shortgrass Library System for the municipality to explore a cost sharing agreement for the Irvine Community Library’s internet expenses.

The Irvine Library is  in the Shortgrass loop and is not connected to the provincial Supernet, but rather to a business account with CCI wireless where Shortgrass has been paying the full monthly expense of $210 since 2015.

Shortgrass’ proposal would see the county take on 50 % of the monthly expense moving forward, which would total $105 per month.

“I know with the internet, they struggle with it there,” said Richard Oster, deputy reeve.

“It’s not something that can be relied on.”

County CAO Tarolyn Aaserud said in the early 2000s, libraries, schools and hospitals all got hooked up for free and at that time and paid $35

“So previously we looked at that six months ago to hook up to Supernet ” said Aaserud.

“Because when it comes into Irvine, it runs along the westside, runs around the railway tracks and goes up. The cost at that time was $30,000 to hook up to the Supernet and then it’s $500 a month and an ISP (internet service provider) on top of that.”

Aaserud recommends if there a new library built, that Supernet costs can be built into the construction costs.

“I like what Richard says about this,” said Coun. Michelle McKenzie.

“Like I think we should know how much it’s going to cost. But if it’s going to be astronomical—the library needs internet— so, I’m all for this to pay for half of it.”

Council passed the motions to pay half of the cost share and to bring back costs to hook into the Supernnet.

Council briefs:

Dunmore Equestrian Centre letter of support

Council approved the motion to provide a letter of support to the Dunmore Equestrian Society for their TD Arbor Day Foundation Tree grant project to plant 50 native trees at their facility. This project would also be an enhancement and long-term investment in the community.

2022 Operating budget

Council approved the 2022 operating budget which will see a revenue increase of $1.6 million (four per cent) a decrease in expenses by nearly $1.4 million. These totals result in a net income from operations of $2.6 million. The county added back non-cash transactions such as depreciation, the net cash effect is expected to have an increase of $10 million.

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