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Bow Island council releases 2022 capital budget

Posted on April 6, 2022 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Samantha Johnson

The Town of Bow Island has a capital budget for 2022 of $2.27 million. It is slightly less than what was budgeted for projects last year and, as with last year, many projects will only be completed only if grant funding is received.

One of the biggest expenditures in the 2022 capital budget is the Kale Porteous Memorial Splash Park. The park will be paid for with money raised by the Troy Loney Charity Golf Classic and other fundraising efforts, but it shows up on the budget because it now becomes a Town project to get it built.

Money allocated for the skid steer is a replacement program. Council has been trading the existing one in each year for a new one for a cost of about $6,500, which has helped cut down on repairs and maintenance. The $15,000 in the current budget is higher than before because the model being used by Town is no longer available and the new model is more expensive. The upgrade might not happen this year due to the almost doubling in cost.

“There were delivery problems last year and the one the Town currently has, didn’t arrive until late last year, so it doesn’t have that many hours on it and might be the one the Town keeps,” said Reynolds. The town also has an older one that isn’t as reliable but is still available as a backup.

The Town of Bow Island recently obtained a new waste collection vehicle, which is another high-ticket item on the budget. Council decided to pay for it by debenture because there is still a low-interest rate on that type of loan and the expenditure wouldn’t tie up the reserves.

The streets that had water and sewer line work on them last year are scheduled to be paved this year as the Town likes to wait a year to let everything settle before paving. Two blocks of water line along 8 Avenue will be replaced this year and paved next year.

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