Current Temperature
By Anna Smith
The fact that councillor Shane Hok was present for the one meeting on his birthday, August 22, only speaks to the dedication of Cypress County Council and staff.
The County received a delegation request from Aura Power Renewables in regard to the Peace Butte Solar Project, which will appear at a later council meeting.
Reeve Dan Hamilton mentioned discussion of fire risks in Elkwater and throughout the county as part of the Reeve and Councillors’ reports, and that they expect to see some options for addressing the growing potential for risk in the Elkwater area, both in terms of physical area and in terms of ensuring everyone potentially involved is aware of the emergency management plan.
Council moved to fund the Irvine Community Resource Centre playground equipment, park accessories and site beautification from the Community Aggregate Payment (CAP) Levy Reserve Fund not exceeding $166,000. This fund has previously been used for similar projects, such as the new playground in Sandy Point Campground.
The item was brought forward by Councillor Blaine Brost, and was passed after some discussion.
The County picked up a surplus firefighting vehicle from British Army Training Unit Suffield.
Council passed a motion to approve the CAO to designate the Director of Corporate Services (or designate) to complete a financial review annually of the Cypress County Library Board. This motion gives the CAO the power to delegate to what desk this task falls to, in order to maximize the accuracy and efficiency of the process.
Council received its quarterly report from the RCMP.
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