Current Temperature
By Nerissa McNaughton
Southern Alberta Newspapers
It’s no secret that starting and running a business is difficult. While ultimately rewarding and a great way to help build community, businesses of all sizes are often challenged by marketing, workforce attraction and retention, and keeping up with changes in the digital revolution such embracing e-commerce or adopting AI. Did you know that whether you run a small business or a large corporation in Forty Mile, Bow Island, or Foremost, there are free resources for all of this… and more? There are also resources for job seekers or those staring out in their careers.
With office locations in both Forty Mile and Bow Island (and services covering the county and area) the Forty Mile Community Resource Centres & Business Assistance Services (Forty Mile CRC) offers:
• For business owners: help with hosting a job fairs; hosting space for site interviews; site recruitment and training; free advertising on websites and social media platforms; local job board and local advertising; presenting workshops on job safety, stress in the workplace, et cetera; helping you understand employment standards; discuss/help procure summer student employment funding; offering computer labs, and providing employee support.
• For job seekers, help you prepare resumes and cover letters, has computer and internet access, networking and job searches on local boards, self-employment information, career planning and options, skillset identification, information for volunteerism, safety in the workplace information, government forms, EI applications, and hosts community workshops.
These are just some of the ways the CRC helps employers, employees and job seekers. These free services can really help to boost or jump start your career, or help build your company. To learn more, visit or call (Bow Island) 403-565-622 or (Foremost) 403-867-3077.
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