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September 16, 2024 September 16, 2024

Canadian content in the USA

Posted on August 12, 2014

By Rob Ficiur This summer we spent a couple of weeks visiting family in four different cities across the USA. During these visits, it is interesting… Read More »

Spread the word on water safety

Posted on August 12, 2014

This summer there have been a number of drowning deaths reported around the province. The majority of those deaths are men. The Lifesaving Society says… Read More »

2004 Calgary Flames – 10 years later

Posted on August 5, 2014

By Rob FiciurThis month, former Calgary Flames defenseman, Robyn Regehr will have his first day to take the Stanley Cup to his home town.  Flames… Read More »

Fourth annual Memory Lane team roping memorial

Posted on August 5, 2014

By Carlie ConnollyOn August 30 and 31, Canada gets together to remember fallen cowboys. George Schreiner and Darwin Stuber came up with the event together… Read More »

Reader impressed with Redcliff youth

Posted on July 29, 2014

On Saturday while out on my scooter running errands I encountered several youngsters in front of the firehall brandishing a sign announcing a "Youth Centre"… Read More »

Barnes clarifies statements

Posted on July 29, 2014

Dear Editor,In two recent letters to the Editor of the Medicine Hat News, statements I made in the Legislature regarding lease lands were grossly misrepresented. … Read More »

Greater effort needed to stop vandalism

Posted on July 29, 2014

Since Burdett’s gazebo has been in the news recently I thought readers might like to know the history of that particular campground. The original ball… Read More »

Hiking: Summer’s ideal sport for all ages

Posted on July 29, 2014

By Rob FiciurYears ago when I was just out of high school hiking was my favorite sport. Every day off from work, I was up… Read More »

Don’t be afraid of air travel – Fear the car

Posted on July 29, 2014

With a slew of recent air disasters headlining the news in recent months, any ‘would be’ air traveller is likely to start thinking twice about… Read More »

ACA presents to county council

Posted on July 29, 2014

By Jamie RiegerIn an effort to raise awareness to their organization and to distance themselves from other conservation groups, representatives from the Alberta Conservation Association… Read More »

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