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Trudeau sets poor example by showing his temper

Posted on May 24, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed everybody who’s boss in the House of Commons on Wednesday  when Members of Parliament were spending too much time dilly-dallying for his liking and chose to take decisive action right then and there.
Watching the footage of him striding across the floor with such purpose and focused vision that he claimed he was unaware of who was around him when he elbowed  NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau in the chest as he intentionally grabbed Conservative MP Gord Brown, it was clear he was a man on a mission. His body language showed that of a hot-headed control freak, not the leader of our country.
As he marched across the floor, his eyes were zeroed in on Brown. Other than telling those around him to get the ‘eff’ out of his way, there was no regard whatsoever for the people around him.
In addition, he did not gently guide Brown along. Rather, he used force to grab hold of him. Trudeau knows exactly how strong he is; he boasts about it at every opportunity. His photo ops sparring in the boxing ring and his one-armed push-ups that have been photographed numerous times in recent months indicate just how much he likes to show off his physical power.
The altercation happened late Wednesday when members gathered to vote on Bill C-14, the controversial assisted-dying bill that has caused heated debate in the House of Commons.
Following the melee, he did give an apology when he attempted to downplay the incident and said he was not aware of who was around him when he grabbed Brown.
If he was that mad that he was unaware of who was around him, including women; perhaps he should not have strode across the House floor like the control-freak he appeared to be and should have rather remained seated.
Social media has been lit up with comments on both sides of the argument; some saying an apology is enough and others suggesting that Trudeau’s true colours are beginning to emerge.
Now imagine if a male colleague came into the workplace, telling co-workers to get the ‘eff’ out of his way and then elbowed a female colleague in the chest as he intentionally grabbed a male co-worker. Would a simple apology be enough in that scenario? Should there be further consequences? Most workplaces have policies in place for such behaviour.
Or, should the Prime Minister be let off the hook on this one? If the answer is ‘yes’, then ask yourself this: What if you were on the receiving end of such anger from a colleague? Would a simple apology be enough for you?

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