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Erin O’Toole – Canada’s Positive Choice

Posted on September 9, 2020 by 40 Mile Commentator

Pundits dismissed Erin O’Toole, our new Conservative Party leader, as too unknown to overthrow Trudeau in a future election, but that perception changed within hours of his leadership win.
Speaking directly to Canadians, our articulate, confident leader took the stage and clearly stated, “I’m Erin O’Toole. You are going to be seeing and hearing a lot from me in the coming weeks.” Adding, “You’ll also be hearing a lot of Liberal spin about me. Don’t buy it. I am here to fight for you and your family. And Canada needs a fighter.”
So begins exciting times for Canadians with a Conservatives leader who recognizes that “everything is not okay” in our great country.
“…Canadians are losing their jobs, their homes and their hope. Even before the pandemic, half of Canadian families were just one surprise $200 expense away from not being able to pay the rent… Now, millions of Canadians are barely getting by,” he said.
O’Toole is middle-class. “ … I understand the challenges, fears, and hopes of middle-class Canadians because we live them and have all our lives. We know what it is like to save for your first home. …save for things like childcare, tuition, and family vacations.”
With Canada facing its most serious economic challenges since the Great Depression, O’Toole pledges, “as Prime Minister, I will lead a government that rebuilds our economy and creates long-term, good-paying jobs with ambitious national projects, infrastructure, and federal programs. … trade freely with free nations, and not spend our time chasing trade deals with predatory countries like Communist China.”
Speaking with Trudeau only hours after becoming Conservative leader, O’Toole raised concerns about western alienation and the need for a plan to address real and serious national unity concerns. “Because western alienation is so significant a threat to Canadian unity …” he said.
Leading a welcoming political party’ is critical for O’Toole, who stated, “… our Conservative team is a strong, diverse group that reflects Canada. … Whether you are black, white, brown or from any race or creed, …are LGBTQ or straight, … Indigenous Canadian or have joined the Canadian family three weeks ago or three generations ago, … are doing well, or barely getting by, …worship on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, or not at all, you are an important part of Canada and you have a home in the Conservative Party of Canada.”
Our leader is clear on what he wants for Canadians, “…to see a Conservative when they look in the mirror – union members, small business owners, new Canadians, and more women. If you want the opportunity to work hard to provide for your family, …want to stop insiders getting ahead while you are falling back, … are proud of what we produce in this country – whether it is the resources in the ground or the ideas in our heads, …and if you believe in peace, order and good, ethical government – you should be voting Conservative!
View full press conference here:

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