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Cost overrun on new Water Treatment Plant
Council was informed last Monday that the newly built Redcliff Water Treatment Plant cost $1,238,250 more than the initial projection. The overrun will be covered out of the Town’s Purchasing Reserve fund. The Purchasing Reserve fund holds about $2 million, and will be pretty much tapped out by the cost overrun.
The total cost of new treatment plant is $9,743,029.
Truck purchase authorized
Redcliff council voted to allocate $150,460 plus G.S.T. out of the Town’s 2016 Capital Budget to pay for a new custom-built tandem axle gravel truck for the community. The new truck will be a 2017 Freightliner M2-106 from New West Freightliner Inc. The company had the second lowest bid, but came in with several extras options on the back end of the deal.
The Town received 18 bids from companies to supply the truck, most of which came in below the $160,000 originally allocated by the Town for the purchase.
MSI grant amount confirmed for work on sewer system
Council was informed by letter that provincial government will indeed cover $1,178,227 to help pay the cost of underground utilities work in 2015.
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