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Town council briefs

Posted on February 16, 2016 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Jamie Rieger
Notes from the Feb. 8 Bow Island regular council meeting
ACP Application – Infrared Asphalt repair machine
Bow Island council voted in favour of submitting an application, along with the Village of Foremost, for funding through the Alberta Community Partnership program, for an infrared asphalt repair machine. The total cost of the machine is $60,163, with each municipality contributing $5,000 and remainder would be funded through the ACP program. The money for the Town’s contribution would come from General Reserves.

Gigabit broadband project
Council voted in favour of providing a letter of support to Palliser Economic Partnership (PEP) for a grant application under the Alberta Community Partnership program to look at Gigabit broadband opportunities. PEP is working with the MD of Acadia in making the application for the program what would look at opportunities, benefits, and strategic approaches. The project would also establish what high-speed service services currently available and options for a region-wide approach.
PEP provided council with some background information for council, including a 2005 Alberta Economic Development Authority report that recommended municipalities consider Broadband as a utility service.

Weight restrictions
The Town of Bow Island has never imposed weight restrictions on their roads, but because of a number of repair projects completed in 2015, coupled with thawing and wet roads in the spring, the topic was brought to the table at their Feb. 8 council meeting.
“I don’t want to see these roads being torn up, especially after all the work that has been done,” town administrator, Anna-Marie Bridge indicated to council.
The roads being considered for weight restrictions included:
-7th Ave. East, service road from 10th St. East to 2nd St. East
-8th Ave. East from 4th St. East to 6th St. East
-8th Ave. East between Imperial Oil and Jade Homes
-1st Ave. East, service road from 4th St. to 7th St. East
-Truck route
Also, permits would be required at no cost while roads bans are on.
Council voted in favour of applying a 50 percent restriction when required. Councilor Alan Hyland opposed the motion.

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