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By Jamie Rieger
Code of Conduct for council and committee members
Ahead of changes to the Municipal Government Act, Bow Island town council has been working on a Code of Conduct policy for council and committee members and council, which includes a harassment policy and stipulations for use of municipal assets. The additions to the code of conduct policy brings it in accordance with amendments to the Municipal Government Act, which were passed into legislation later in the week (Thurs. Oct 26).
Council also passed its council procedural bylaw, with the only discussion being about the start times of the council meetings which will continue to be at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of the month.
Council remuneration
A committee formed by outside parties to revies remuneration for the mayor and council members recommended to increase the base salary for the mayor from $400 per month to $500 per month and to increase the per diem for full-day meetings from $200/meeting to $220/meeting.
“These recommendations are based on comparables to other southern Alberta towns,” said mayor Gordon Reynolds. “I don’t recommend the first one, but I don’t have a problem with the second one.”
Outgoing councilor Marj Moncrieff suggested that the figures from more municipalities should be looked at and the new council should have more time to look at it.
“I would have liked to have seen the comparables to be fair to the councilors,” she said. “Get the comparables and look at it in a couple of months.”
Council agreed with Moncrieff and took ‘no action’ on the recommendation.
The organizational meeting followed the brief council meeting, with new councilors taking their oaths of office. Dave Harrison nominated Lyle Tuchscherer for the deputy mayor position and council was appointed to various committees.
Committee appointments:
AHS- Ambulance and Bow Island/Forty Mile Fire Liaison: Terrie Matz, Lyle Tuchscherer
Bow Island and area Health Care Recruitment committee: Gordon Reynolds, Lyle Tuchscherer
Bow Island and Burdett Chamber of Commerce: Terrie Matz
Bylaw Review committee: Dave Harrison, Lyle Tuchscherer
Canadian Badlands: Bernice DeLeenheer
Capital Projects commitee: Gordon Reynolds, Alan Hyland, Terrie Matz, Lyle Tuchscherer
County of Forty Mile Liaison: All of council
Emergency Management committee: Directer- Jason Schreiber; Deputy director-Gordon Reynolds; Fire chief, Kelly Byam; Secretary- Town manager
Economic Development Alliance of Southeast Alberta: Gordon Reynolds, Curtis Gouw
Enre-Corp: Bernice DeLeenheer
Energy Efficiency committee: Terrie Matz
Forty Mile Foundation: Alan Hyland, Bernice DeLeenheer
Forty Mile Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal board: Dave Harrison, Lyle Tuchscherer
Forty Mile Park Foundation: Rob Ficiur
Forty Mile Regional FCSS: Rob Ficiur, member-at-large: Kim Mitchell
Highway 3 Twinning Development Association: Gordon Reynolds
Highway 3 Regional Water Services commission: Gordon Reynolds, Dave Harrison
Municipal Airport commission: Rob Ficiur
Municipal Library board: Rob Ficiur
Municipal Planning Commission: Rob Ficiur, Terrie Matz
North Forty Mile Handi-Bus Society: Lyle Tuchscherer
North 40 Mile Regional Waste Management commission and Southern Alberta Energy to Waste association: Gordon Reynolds, Dave Harrison
Palliser Economic Partnership: Gordon Reynolds
Recreation Advisory board: Bernice DeLeenheer
Regional Assessment Appeal board: To be determined (Training required)
Safety Committee: Dave Harrison
Shortgrass Library System: Terrie Matz
Southern Alberta Regional Drainage committee: Alan Hyland
Southeastern Alberta Mayors and Reeves: Mayor automatically appointed, deputy mayor to be the alternate
Southwestern Alberta Mayors and Reeves: Mayor automatically appointed, deputy mayor to serve as the alternate
Susan Andersen Library Expansion: Gordon Reynolds, Anna-Marie Bridge
Tourism Action committee: Dave Harrison
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