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The County of Forty Mile passes budget

Posted on May 1, 2018 by 40 Mile Commentator

Justin Seward

Coun. Gerald Reimer moved to approve the county’s 2018 operating budget (revenue and expenditures) in the amount of $9,762, 681.00 with transfers from reserves as per budget at its April 25 meeting. Council approved.
Coun. Joan Hughson made the motion to approve the 2018 capital budget in the amount of $10,792, 044.00 with transfers from reserves to be used as required.

Mill Rate By-Law 8/2018

Coun. Craig Widmer moved first reading, Coun. Stacey Barrows moved second reading, while Reimer moved to take third reading and Coun. Chantel Timmons motioned third reading for the Mill Rate By-Law 8/2018. Council approved all the motions.
The bylaw was for the county to authorize the rate of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the County of Forty Mile for the 2018 taxation year.
County expenditures and transfers set out in the budget for a total of $20,554,725.00.
The county is required each year to levy on the assessed value of all property and tax rates to meet the estimate expenditures and requisitions.

Intermunicipal development plan

Coun. Widmer moved first reading of By-Law 7/2018 with council approving.
County of Forty Mile will adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) woth the M.D. of Taber pursuant to Section 63 1 and 692 of the Municipal Government Act.
The province requires municipalities to expand intermunicipal planning efforts to address planning matters that transcend boundaries through an IDP.
Both councils agree it is to their mutual benefit to establish joint planning policies.
A public hearing will be held at the June 13 meeting at 11 a.m.

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