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Area structure plans moving forward

Posted on May 22, 2018 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward


The Seven Persons Area Structure plan received council’s approval with its last two readings at Cypress County’s regular meeting on May 15.
At at the April 3 meeting council postponed second and third readings for Bylaw 2018/07 to allow for the St. Mary’s River Irrigation District (SMRID) and Alberta Transportation to include their amendments to the plan.
Amendments included the categories being named flood potential and serving standards under Section 6.4 and 6.5 respectively, while Section 6.3 under Storm Water Management had amendments . Now under Figures and Tables, Figure 4 will read Concept Plan. The last change was in Appendix A with everything being read under Highway 3 Twinning Study-Overall recommend plan.
Under Section 6.3, Alberta Transportation has identified that highway ditches can not be used for storm water management, unless a plan has been included by both the provincial transportation and environment.
-Flood Potential- The hamlet does not fall under the Seven Persons Creek 1:100 year flood zones and no restrictions will be required at this time.
More information can be obtained at
Alberta Transportation was quoted in Appendix A saying “The Highway 3:16 Future Twinning Study West of Seven Persons to Range Road 63-Final Report #R-111, prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd., dated November 13, 2013 has been endorsed by Alberta Transportation.”
The purpose of the area structure plan is to provide a framework to guide future growth and land uses in an orderly economical matter; while promoting the hamlet.
Coun. Ernest Mudie moved to approve second reading as presented, while Coun. Darcy Geigle moved third reading with council approving both motions.
Deputy Reeve Dan Hamilton moved second reading, while Coun. Shane Hok moved for third reading with council unanimouslyapproving both motions for Irvine’s area structure plan.

Development and service costs for Irvine properties
Coun. Dustin Vossler moved to receive for information.
There are two separate lots in the hamlet, with one being on the west side and north of the railroad tracks, while the other is on the east side and south of the tracks.
MPE Engineering came back for cost estimates for the westside 39 lot residential subdivision for $3,724,000. The east property, which is a single property, located at the intersection of South Railway and Thompson Street came back at a cost of $70,000.
Council approved his motion.

Medicine Hat Stampede board members
Vossler was appointed to the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede Company board with Hok named as an alternate.

Splitting of non-residential classes property classes
Council approved all three readings of the bylaw. As of Jan. 1, 2018, municipalities had to split the non-residential classes into sub classes that are specifically defined in matters related to assessment subclasses. The tax rate bylaw had to be updated to including a vacant non-residential property, small business property and other non-residential property.

CP Rail crossing closure

The county met with the Town of Redcliff to discuss the impact of closing the Range Road 65 rail crossing near the town. Despite the town appreciating CP Rail’s business case, they do not see any benefit of the crossing closure due to the economic loss and incurring costs.
The town verbally agreed to a cost share agreement with the county of 50- there were no additonal issues of closing the Range Road 70 crossing.
Geigle moved to direct administration to co-ordinate with CP Rail to alternate closing the crossings at Range Roads 65 and 70 for a two week period each.

Health and safety

Meanwhile, county health and safety supervisor Tim Davies recently updated staff that his department had no lost time claims in the first quarter of 2018 between Januray and March. This means staff had no reports of a serious injury and could make it to work for their next shift.

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