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Justin Seward
County of Forty Mile Coun. Craig Widmer gave this month’s 40 Mile Park Management Committee report at council’s June 27 meeting.
Widmer highlighted that the boat dock has slips for ten boats with a loading and unloading window of 15 minutes.
Park committee members had considered renting out these slips for a day or overnight use and decided to change the remainder of the year to one hour time limit and revisit the policy in 2019.
The new washroom/ shower complex progress is good as the outside is complete and tiling is expected to start in mid-July.
Road treatment was also discussed and there is the possibility of a a dust decreasing asphalt, but the concept and other ideas will be discussed at the July meeting.
Quotes/tenders for irrigation and power in the country corner were mentioned by the park manager and after a consultation with the committee members, the consensus was to install a 30 amp breakers to the sites.
Internet will now be available for the park’s gatehouse.Committee members approved for the park manager to purchase a boat at a cost of 1,150 to repair buoys, check docks and other issues.
Doctor housing partnership
Coun. Gerald Reimer moved for the county to be in a partnership agreement with Bow Island and Foremost for the provision of Doctor housing and the county’s contribution of $143,325.00 to be taken from reserves. Council approved.
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