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Mill Rate Bylaw approved by town council

Posted on April 30, 2019 by 40 Mile Commentator

By Justin Seward


Bow Island town council voted through motions including the mill rate, water maintenance tax, project shortfall solution, a set assessment complaint fee, and a interest in a solar program for a potential future project at its April 23 council meeting.

Mill Rate Bylaw
Council passed all three reading for the 2019 Mill Rate Bylaw (Bylaw 2019:03). The bylaw said “ The Town of Bow Island has prepared and adopted detailed estimates of the municipal revenues and expenditures as at the council meeting that was held on Feb. 11, 2019.”
“The estimated municipal revenues and transfers is set out in the budget for the Town of Bow Island for a 2019 total of $4,522,116.55 and the municipal revenues and transfers from all sources other than taxation is estimated at $2,144,525.28 and the balance of $2,407,591.37 is to be raised by general municipal taxation.”
Requisitions will include: Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) for $230, 926.09, residential/farm land and non-residential ($90, 632.84). Opted out school boards- residential/farm land ($89, 424.32) and non residential- $41, 365.93. The Seniors Foundation ($16, 827.02) and Government of Alberta Designated Industrial Properties at a cost of $243.80 will also be included.
The 2019 assessment values for all properties in Bow Island will appear on the assessment role for residential and farmland at $127, 314. 570, non-residential-$44, 940, 260, machinery and equipment- $2,259, 780 and Government of Alberta Designated Industrial Properties $ 3,101,790, totalling $177, 526,400.

Special Tax bylaw

Under Bylaw 2019:03 (Special Tax), the Town of Bow Island will impose a special tax to be applied towards the maintenance of water utilities. The special tax will incur a cost of $1.25 per front foot and shall be assessed, levied and collected as a part of the municipal taxes of the town. The total front of feet will be measured by adding the number of front and rear yard feet for each parcel of land and dividing the number by two. Council passed all three readings.

Capital projects/operating shortfalls

The town will cover off 2018 expenditures in the 2018 capital projects and operating budget shortfall from reserves through the purchase of a vac truck for $20,000 through sewer reserves. Budgetary implications will see a decrease of $86, 179 in sewer reserves, MSI operating general capital reserves, arena reserves and capital general reserve.

Assessment complaint filing fee

Council approved the motion to set the assessment complaint filing fee to $100. The Municipal Government Act has set out an assessment complaint system for property owners who have concerns about their property assessment. In 2002, a $25 fee was established to accompany assessment complaints and fee is refundable if the complaint is legitimized with the change of assessment. The Municipal Government Board determines which assessment complains go to which Assessment Review Board.

Alberta Municipal Solar Program

The town will submit an Expression of Interest under the Alberta Municipal Solar Program for a net-zero solar project that is proposed by Terralta. The project would offset the town’s electrical usage.

Campground expansion

Council agreed to proceed with the campground expansion project at Centennial Park for $125,000. The expansion will include 14 additional camp sites.

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