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Cypress County will be able to see the development of a 20 year design for Township Road 120 after county council voted in favour of updating the five year road plan with that design inclusion at the July 16 council meeting.
“I would like to see this here not wait five years and we look at doing it sooner then later,” said Coun. Shane Hok.
“(The road) is falling apart and it needs some pavement too.”
WSP Canada has been retained by Cypress County to assess the pavement rehabilitation needs for Township Road 120 between Highways 1 and 3. The estimated project length is just over 18 km stretch.
The scope of services will include the reviewing of the available traffic information history within the project limits, perform pavement drilling to assess the thickness of the paving structure, the undertaking of field reconnaissance to assess the general pavement condition including surface distresses and problem areas, summarize the existing pavement conditions and carry out a preliminary pavement rehabilitation design and provide potential options.
Coun. Darcy Geigle says “The major complaint of the road is its too narrow.”
Coun. Dustin Vossler agreed with Geigle.
“The shoulder, it’s not really a shoulder, it’s just really there for decoration,” said Vossler.
The county’s director of municipal services Jeffrey Dowling gave the perspective from how narrow the road is from the agricultural side.“On Sunday I hauled a 16 foot wide haybine down Township Road 120 from Dunmore to take it to (my) house,” he said
“When I was taking it down the road on Sunday the wheel next to the ditch was just inside the white line, (just)between the white line and the edge of the shoulder. The edge of the other side of the haybine was running right parallel to the center line. Even three feet or whatever, the haybine would have been totally inside the lane.”
Council approved the motion to spend $4,408,000 to upgrade the five-year road program with a 20 year design.
Township Road 120 intersection assessment
As a part of the rehabilitation project, Cypress County wanted to evaluate the intersection along Township Road 120 between Highway 1 and 3. Council approved the motion to direct administration to incorporate the intersection treatment along the Township Road 120 in the five-year road construction plan and to bring that plan back to a future meeting.
Cyclist signage on Township Road 120
Council voted to direct administration to purchase 16 75 cm x 75 cm “Watch for Bicyclists” signs to be placed strategically along Township Road 120.
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