Current Temperature
By Justin Seward
The County of Forty Mile has had to deal some significant impacts to its operations amid the COVID-19 pandemic
“As far as county operations goes – weather and COVID-19 has caused a later start to our seasonal programs,” said Keith Bodin, county chief administrative officer.
“We are bringing staff back in groups to perform orientations/safety requirements and providing staff with updated information from AHS on guidelines and precautions we all must take to slow the spread.”
Other measures include virtual meetings becoming more of the normal for the time being , the county office remains closed to public with some staff working from their homes.
“As conditions improve, the county will reassess when to open up to normal practices,” said Bodin.
Many across the municipality have felt the economic impact, but a final outcome is uncertain at this point.
“The economy weighs on everybody’s minds and the impacts that it will mean for municipalities is a huge concern, with the oil/gas prices bottoming out, we are uncertain how many companies can survive those impacts and the effects that will have on our municipality,” he said.
“In our community, the impact has been felt by everyone – people needing the assistance programs and all feeling the pressure of the mass gathering and physical distancing restrictions, businesses with some closing or operating under the restricted guidelines, and the cancellations of community functions and venues, all with huge economic impacts. We are fortunate to have had a low impact of cases in our municipality. This proves that people are taking the precautionary measures to help slow the spread and we are appreciative what everyone is doing to do their part to help flatten the curve.”
Bodin says to assist with the recovery process, “the county will continue to provide an avenue for the dissemination of information and assistance with the provincial and federal programs for both the community and individuals.
40 Mile Park has been impacted by the restrictions put in place due to COVID with the closing of amenities in the park and reduced park capacity.
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