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By Justin Seward
Bow Island’s Lions Club Meals on Wheels Program has seen a positive impact during the COVID-19 pandemic after making a change early on in the world health crisis.
“After we left Pleasant View Lodge for our in-town clients-the ones that live in their own homes- it’s been working wonderfully because Peter’s Restaurant came on board with us,” said Char Brocklesby, Meals on Wheels program coordinator.
“We sat down and designed the menu choices that they could make for them. So they (clients) each get a checklist and they tell me definitely what they don’t like, so I don’t give it to them. And then I do a weekly menu from the consistent choices for Peter’s weekly.”
Brockelsby drops off the requested meals starting at noon from Tuesday to Saturday.
Clients are accepted into the Meals on Wheels Program once a name is passed on to Home Care.
“(Home Care) just (does) a phone call and if there’s a need, there’s a need, and we provide it because we don’t want anybody to starve,” said Brocklesby.
The program used to serve four clients in the Pleasant View Lodge’s downstairs apartments, but because of COVID, those seniors now get served by the Lodge’s dining room.
Meals on Wheels moved to serve their three in-home clients at this current time.
“We just sat down around (last) Easter and just figured, ‘Hey we talked to Peter’s-our club president did-and they said they’d help us out.’ We just talked to the clients and they were happy to change. It’s been going great since because they like the variety they can get from Peter’s.”
Brocklesby has been the sole delivery driver since April and has three other drivers if she needs them.
Brockelsby says if there is a need, the program will take more clients.
“We just need to get the word out there that we are up and running,” she said.
More information can be found by contacting Brocklesby at (403) 545-2074.
The program was initially started in 1987 by the Lionettes Club and when that club folded, a couple of the ladies took the reins for a couple years until they could not stay afloat anymore.
“The Lions Club took us under their umbrella, and we’ve been moving forward ever since, so we didn’t lose the program, “said Brocklesby.
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