Current Temperature
By Jalyce Thompson
The first day of spring has arrived, the winter coats have been hung up, and those who own a motorbike are ready to start the driving season and adventure on the open roads.
General manager of Badlands Harley Davidson Ivan Karsten says since Saturday, March 29, 2022, the service department has been extremely busy with servicing bikes and getting them ready for the spring.
“The pace of business has absolutely made a 180-degree turnaround since last week. We’ve been crazy busy since Saturday,” said Karsten. “People are looking for new and used bikes, but mostly, we have a big search in getting bikes serviced for spring.”
He says after the first nice day of the year, bikers are reminded of what they need and are excited to get back on the road. Cypress Country has a beautiful landscape for motorcyclists to enjoy. From rolling hills to the badlands, and the prairies, the scenery doesn’t come short in southeast Alberta.
“We have one of the longer, driest riding seasons in all of Canada, and per capita, we have one of the highest motorcycle ratios in Canada, and that is pretty cool,” said Karsten.
Karsten says he knows motorcyclists who get out once a month throughout the year, because of our mild winters and long warmer seasons. He says the area’s warm weather really helps with extending the riding season. Not only is the weather an advantage, but the easy access to the main and secondary highways.
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