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St Michael’s students embrace their wild side with trip to Calgary Zoo

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Ryan Dahlman

By Anna Smith

June 14 was a long day for many St. Michael’s students, starting bright and early for a round trip to Calgary, the result was well worth it for a once-in-an-education trip to Calgary Zoo.

“It was rainy that day, we left in the rain. It rained all day. But we had a whole school tour,” said associate principal Jill Weatherhead. “So we actually chartered two buses. And it was a wonderful time. Everybody had come together, we were able to invite some other groups, play school group and as many parents that wanted to join us could and you know, aside from the rain, it was fantastic.”

Students enjoyed riding like celebrities in the chartered buses, said Weatherhead, and for many of their students, this was their first visit to the zoo.

“I mean, we just want the kids to have fun at the end of the day. But there are a lot of curricular connections,” said Weatherhead. “You can always say, ‘oh, yeah, this is really educational’. Because, you know, you’re gonna learn something no matter what. You’re (not) just making fun of monkeys.”

“Calgary Zoo does such a good job of conservation. I’m always so impressed when I go there and see how they’ve handled things. And how they run their operation,” said Weatherhead. “It was really good. tSome of the kids had never been before, you know, first time experience, and then again, having some really nice buses to go on really helped with the long distance.”

Despite some reports of inclement weather on the way home, including some tornado touchdowns in the Picture Butte area, the outing will be one that students and parents alike are unlikely to forget any time soon, said Weatherhead.

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