Current Temperature
By Anna Smith
Southern Alberta Newspapers
The Town of Redcliff has lifted the boil water advisory put into place on July 14, as of July 18.
The town released that the Water Treatment Plant experienced a system failure, when its uninterrupted power supply was disrupted. This disruption resulted in a loss of distribution pressure.
While the facility was restored to normal function by 3 p.m. on July 14, community members experienced loss of water pressure, as well as a discolouration and poor taste to the water. As a precaution, Alberta Health Services issued a boil water advisory.
The water has under constant monitoring and testing, and the advisory remained in effect until these processes were complete and Alberta Environment and Alberta Health Services removed the order.
The Town thanked residents for their patience and understanding. They also expressed appreciation for staff that worked to restore the plant.
Residents were asked to continue to boiling all water intended to be used for consumption, for at least one minute at a rolling boil prior to use. This included uses where it would be ingested, including brushing teeth, washing produce and ice cubes. People were also advised to also not drink from any public drinking fountains supplied with water from the public water supply.
Water could not be used to wash dishes unless boiled prior, and parents were asked to ensure that younger children and infants were sponge bathed.
Redcliff operates its own water treatment plant and potable water system that is completely separate from the City of Medicine Hat.
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