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April 26 was National Day of Mourning

Posted on April 29, 2014

Letter to Editor- National Day of Mourning 2014April 28 is the National Day of Mourning, each year we honour Canadian workers injured or killed on… Read More »

Global warming not just about human activity

Posted on April 29, 2014

To the EditorThe Commentator;Recently you treated us to yet another lecture on climate change, this one based on a voluminous and widely accepted United Nations… Read More »

Ottawa needs to use common sense on Sage Grouse issue

Posted on April 22, 2014

Letter to the Editor:Ottawa has issued a 140-plus page emergency order that it claims will protect the sage grouse. Only about three per cent of… Read More »

No clear-view vision at this BI intersection

Posted on April 22, 2014

To the editor;Recently I read an article about tree planting and building set-backs in the county, also some rules about stop signs. My question is:… Read More »

On the verge of extinction while they hunt

Posted on February 4, 2014

Tell me if I'm wrong, if a species is on the endangered list and is on the verge of extinction, then why is it that… Read More »

Lewis makes comparisons between STARS and HALO

Posted on December 11, 2013

Letter: Some years ago, the Southern Alberta Medicair Society acted to provide SE Alberta with an emergency helicopter.  Their first choice was STARS, but the… Read More »

Lethbridge reader shares Mellen column with kids over Sunday breakfast

Posted on December 11, 2013

In a recent issue of the Commentator, in section entitled "Down Memory Lane", author Fred Mellen mentioned that the newspapers from which he obtains his… Read More »

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