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County of Forty Mile

40 Mile County to form IDP with Taber MD

Posted on June 27, 2018

By Justin Seward Commentator/Courier The County of Forty Mile council passed second and third reading of By-Law 7/ 2018 to adopt an Intermunicipal Development Plan… Read More »

Foremost Regional Water Treatment Plant officially opens

Posted on June 27, 2018

By Jeremy Appel Commentator/Courier The Village of Foremost held the grand opening of its brand new Regional Water Treatment Plant on June 22, with dignitaries,… Read More »

Province agrees to reimburse Forty Mile councillor for methane-leaking well

Posted on June 13, 2018

By Jeremy Appel Commentator/Courier The Ministry of Environment and Parks has agreed to reimburse County of Forty Mile Coun. Chantel Timmons for the cost of… Read More »

Forty Mile seeding season in full effect

Posted on May 15, 2018

By Jeremy Appel Commentator/Courier Seeding season is “in full swing,” according to County of Forty Mile agriculture supervisor Dave Matz. “Seeding is well underway,” said… Read More »

County of Forty Mile amends policies

Posted on May 15, 2018

By Justin Seward Commentator/Courier The Prairie Trails have been renamed Transportation Services-Undeveloped Road Allowance as a part of the amendment with council’s approval at the… Read More »

Forty Mile flooding moves south to Foremost

Posted on April 24, 2018

By Jeremy Appel Commentator/Courier Overland flooding in the County of Forty Mile has moved south, leading to the closure of a section of highway outside… Read More »

County works on flood mitigation

Posted on April 11, 2018

By Jeremy Appel Commentator/Courier With spring approaching, the County of Forty Mile is working to ensure flooding from melted snow is kept to a minimum.… Read More »

Rural crime watch meeting in Bow Island

Posted on March 13, 2018

By Justin Seward Commentator/Courier Rosemary Lindsay, vice-president of the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association spoke to a packed room of more than 30 local… Read More »

County of Forty Mile council hears municipal reports

Posted on January 12, 2018

By Justin Seward Commentator/Courier The County of Forty Mile council heard all its municipal reports at the Dec. 21 regular meeting prior to breaking for… Read More »

County of Forty Mile, Bow Island and Foremost apply for Alberta Community Partnership

Posted on January 9, 2018

By Justin Seward Commentator/Courier The Village of Foremost, County of Forty Mile and Town of Bow Island submitted a grant application for $150,000 to the… Read More »

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